How to Bypass the Administrator on School Chromebook

June 13, 2023 0 By tech

Bypassing the administrator on a school Chromebook can be done by using Developer Mode and without enabling Developer Mode, such as power cycling the Chromebook or adding another account. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore methods to bypass forced enrollment on your Chromebook and regain control over your device.

Purpose & Reasonsof Bypassing the Administrator on a School Chromebook

  1. Accessing Blocked Websites: Sometimes, the administrator blocks certain websites to prevent distractions and ensure students stay on task. However, there might be occasions when you need to access specific websites for educational purposes or research.
  2. Using Restricted Applications: Similarly, some applications or tools may be restricted by the administrator to maintain security or protect privacy. However, you might require certain applications for academic projects or creative endeavors.
  3. Exploring Advanced Features: Bypassing the administrator can allow you to access developer mode, which opens up advanced features and customization options. This can be useful for learning to code, experimenting with software, or exploring the full potential of your Chromebook.

What Does Bypassing the Administrator Mean?

Firstly, let’s understand what we mean by “bypassing the administrator”. Every school Chromebook has someone, usually an IT teacher or a staff member, who controls what can and cannot be done on the device. This person is the administrator.

“Bypassing the administrator” means finding ways to get around the rules and restrictions set up by the administrator.

How to Bypass the Administrator on a School Chromebook

Bypass the Administrator also will bypass forced enrollment on a Chromebook.

Use Developer Mode

1. Entering Developer Mode

Developer Mode is like a hidden tool chest in your Chromebook. You can unlock it and do some super cool stuff! Let’s look at how you can get into Developer Mode.

Here are the steps:

  1. Completely turn off your Chromebook (don’t just close the lid).
  2. Press the “ESC + Refresh” keys, and while holding them, press the “Power” button.
  3. You’ll see a screen saying “Chrome OS is missing or damaged”. Don’t worry, it’s supposed to show that.
  4. Press “CTRL + D” on this screen.
  5. Press “Enter” to turn off OS verification. This is like giving your Chromebook permission to enter Developer Mode.
  6. Your Chromebook will restart and show a screen that says “OS verification is OFF”.
  7. Press “CTRL + D” again or just wait 30 seconds to go into Developer Mode.

Important Note: Remember, entering Developer Mode will delete everything on your Chromebook, in a process known as “Powerwashing”.

What Happens When You Powerwash Your Chromebook

Powerwashing is just a fancy term for resetting your Chromebook back to its original settings, like when it was brand new. It will erase everything, so be sure to back up your important files first!

2. Bypassing the Administrator in Developer Mode & Make Yourself An Administrator On A Chromebook

Once you’re in Developer Mode, you have the power to bypass the administrator. This means you can change things that are usually controlled by the administrator. Here’s how you do it:

  1. After entering Developer Mode, your Chromebook will restart.
  2. You’ll see the welcome screen that you saw the first time you turned on your Chromebook.
  3. Follow the setup process as if you were setting up a new Chromebook. When you get to the sign-in screen, do not log in with your school account. Instead, use a personal Gmail account.

Important Note: Creating a new Gmail account without your parents’ knowledge is not recommended. Always ask for their permission first.

Using a personal account allows you to bypass the administrator and act as your own administrator! This means you can change settings, install new apps, and even change the operating system!

Administrator ControlSchool AccountPersonal Account in Developer Mode
Changing SettingsNoYes
Installing New AppsNoYes
Changing OSNoYes

Using Developer Mode to bypass the administrator on your School Chromebook gives you lots of control. But with great power comes great responsibility. You need to make sure you’re not breaking any rules or doing anything that could harm your Chromebook.

Without Developer Mode

1. Power Cycling

Power cycling your Chromebook involves removing the battery and performing a reset, which can help bypass admin rights. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, make sure your Chromebook is turned off.
  2. Remove the back panel of the Chromebook carefully to access the battery.
  3. Take out the battery from its compartment.
  4. Disconnect the power cord that connects the motherboard and the battery.
  5. With the battery and power cord disconnected, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds. This helps discharge any remaining power in the system.
  6. Put the battery back into its compartment and reconnect the power cord.
  7. Place the back panel back on the Chromebook.
  8. Turn on your Chromebook and simultaneously press the Esc, Refresh, and Power buttons together.
  9. The machine may take approximately 15 minutes or more to boot up, depending on the model.
  10. If you encounter a message saying “Chrome OS is damaged or missing” during the restart, press Ctrl + D to proceed.

2. Adding Another Account

Another way to bypass admin restrictions on your Chromebook is by adding another account. Follow these steps:

  1. Power on your Chromebook.
  2. On the login screen, click on “Add person.”
  3. On the “Sign in to your Chromebook” screen, enter the email address for the new account and click “Next.”
  4. Once logged in with the new account, go to the bottom right-hand side menu and click on “Settings.”
  5. Scroll down the Settings page, find the “Person” section, and click on “Advanced.”
  6. Under the “Reset Settings” section, click on “Reset” next to “Powerwash.”
  7. In the “Restart your device” window, select “Restart.”
  8. Your Chromebook will boot up and display a prompt to reset the device. Click on “Powerwash.”
  9. Click “Continue” to proceed with the reset.
  10. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Chromebook as if it were new.

By following these methods, you can bypass admin restrictions on your Chromebook without enabling Developer Mode.

3. Remove Administrator

If you want to remove the administrator from your Chromebook and regain control over your device, follow these easy steps:

  1. Access the System Shelf: Locate the clock icon on the system shelf and click on it.
  2. Open Settings: From the menu that appears, select “Settings.”
  3. Navigate to People: In the left pane of the Settings menu, click on “People.”
  4. Select Your Profile: Under the “People” section, choose your profile.
  5. Manage Other People: Look for the user you want to remove and click on the cross icon next to their name.
  6. Confirm User Removal: In the window that pops up, select “Remove this user.”
  7. Restart Your Chromebook: Close all windows on your Chromebook and restart the device.

By following these steps, you will successfully remove the administrator from your Chromebook. After restarting, you will have more control over your device and its settings.

How to Bypass Blocked Sites on School Chromebook

1. Using a Proxy

A proxy server is like a middleman between your Chromebook and the internet. It can help to bypass filters and blocks.

Follow these simple steps to use a proxy:

  1. Search for a proxy site on the internet. Some common ones include, or KProxy.
  2. Once you’re on the proxy site, enter the URL (web address) of the site you want to access.
  3. Click on the ‘Go’ or ‘Surf’ button.
Proxy WebsitesURL

Important Note: Be careful while using a proxy. Not all proxy sites are safe and some might contain harmful content.

2. Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

A VPN is a service that protects your internet connection and privacy online. It creates an encrypted tunnel for your data, protects your online identity by hiding your IP address, and allows you to use the internet freely. Here’s how you can use a VPN:

  1. Download a VPN app from the Chrome Web Store. Some popular options include NordVPN and ExpressVPN.
  2. Open the VPN app and connect to a server.
  3. Now, try accessing the blocked site.

Note: Most reliable VPNs are not free, and you might need a subscription to use them.

The Risks of Bypassing the Administrator on a School Chromebook

Risk 1: Breaking School Rules

When you try to bypass the administrator, you’re trying to break the rules set by your school. This is something schools take very seriously.

Important Note: Just like how breaking rules in school could lead to detention, breaking rules on your Chromebook can lead to serious consequences. You might lose your Chromebook privileges, have to pay a fine, or face other punishments.

Risk 2: Security Threats

Your school’s administrator doesn’t just block features or websites to be mean. They do it to keep you safe! Some websites may contain harmful content or viruses that could harm your Chromebook or worse, steal your private information.

Important Tip: Always remember, your personal information is very valuable. Keeping it safe is more important than accessing a blocked website or app.

Risk 3: Damaging the Chromebook

Some methods of bypassing the administrator involve changes to the Chromebook settings or even the physical device itself. These changes can lead to the Chromebook breaking down or not working correctly.

Important: If you damage your Chromebook, you may have to pay to fix it or replace it!

Here’s a quick table summarizing these risks:

RisksPossible Consequences
Breaking School RulesLoss of Chromebook privileges, fines, etc.
Security ThreatsLoss of personal information, viruses
Damaging the ChromebookCost of repairs or replacement

Having a School Chromebook is a privilege that comes with responsibility. While it might seem like a good idea to bypass the administrator to access blocked websites or features, the risks far outweigh the benefits.

It’s always important to remember to use technology wisely and responsibly. If there’s a website or feature you need for your schoolwork that’s blocked, it’s a good idea to talk to your teachers or school administrator about it.

Remember: Stay smart, stay safe, and happy learning!

What Does an Administrator Do?

An “administrator” is a person at your school who’s in charge of setting up and managing all the School Chromebooks. This is usually someone who knows a lot about computers, like a computer teacher or an IT (Information Technology) person.

Their job is to make sure all the Chromebooks are working properly and are safe for students to use.

What Are Administrator Privileges and Restrictions?

When we talk about “administrator privileges”, we mean the special controls and powers that the administrator has on a Chromebook.

And “restrictions” are the rules or blocks the administrator puts in place to keep you safe and focused when you’re using your Chromebook.

Here are a few of the key privileges and restrictions that an administrator typically has:

  1. App Control: They can choose what apps you can install and use.
  2. Website Control: They can block certain websites that might be unsafe or distracting.
  3. Privacy Settings: They can set up rules to protect your personal information.
  4. Device Settings: They can control the settings of your Chromebook, like network settings, updates, and more.

Important Note: These controls and restrictions are put in place for a good reason – to help you learn better and stay safe online.

Here’s a simple table summarizing the administrator’s privileges and restrictions:

Administrator PrivilegesWhat it Means
App ControlThey decide what apps can be installed
Website ControlThey can block certain websites
Privacy SettingsThey set rules to protect your information
Device SettingsThey manage your Chromebook’s settings

While it might sometimes feel annoying to have restrictions on your Chromebook, it’s important to remember that these rules are there to help you.

They keep you safe from harmful websites, protect your personal information, and make sure that you can focus on learning without distractions.

What Does “Developer Mode” Mean?

In simple terms, “developer mode” is a special setting on your Chromebook that gives you more control over your device. It’s like having a backstage pass at a concert – you get to see and do things that you usually can’t.

Important Note: Just like a backstage pass, developer mode should be used responsibly! You could mess up your Chromebook if you’re not careful.

What Can You Do in Developer Mode?

Developer mode lets you do a few extra things with your Chromebook that you can’t do otherwise:

  1. Install Unapproved Apps: Normally, you can only install apps from the Google Play Store. But in developer mode, you can install apps from other places too!
  2. Change Deep Settings: You can tweak settings that are usually hidden.
  3. Access to Command Line: You can use a command line, which is like a super-powerful way of telling your Chromebook what to do.
What Developer Mode AllowsExplanation
Install Unapproved AppsYou can install apps from places other than the Google Play Store.
Change Deep SettingsYou can tweak settings that are usually hidden.
Access to Command LineYou can use a special text interface to control your Chromebook.

Is Developer Mode Safe to Use?

Developer mode can be risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why it’s usually turned off on School Chromebooks. Here’s why:

  1. Security Risks: Developer mode reduces the security of your Chromebook, making it easier for bad stuff like viruses to get in.
  2. Data Loss: Turning on developer mode will delete everything on your Chromebook, so be careful!
  3. Breaking Rules: Turning on developer mode might be against your school’s rules.

Important Tip: Always talk to your school’s administrator or your parents before trying to use developer mode.

While developer mode on a Chromebook can be exciting, it comes with risks. It should only be used by those who know what they’re doing, and it’s typically not meant for regular use, especially on a School Chromebook.

Remember: Your Chromebook is a powerful learning tool – use it wisely, and you’ll continue to learn and grow!

Why is Developer Mode Blocked by Default?

So, why does your Chromebook come with developer mode blocked by default? There are a few important reasons:

  1. Keeping Things Simple: Developer mode can be complicated. It’s easier and simpler to use your Chromebook without it.
  2. Safety First: Developer mode can make your Chromebook less safe. It’s blocked by default to protect your Chromebook from bad stuff like viruses.
  3. Avoiding Mistakes: If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can mess up your Chromebook in developer mode. It’s blocked to prevent accidental problems.
  4. Following Rules: Your school might have rules about what you can and can’t do on your Chromebook. Developer mode is blocked to help you follow those rules.

Here’s a simple table that shows why developer mode is blocked by default:

Reasons Developer Mode is BlockedExplanation
Keeping Things SimpleIt’s easier and simpler to use your Chromebook without developer mode.
Safety FirstDeveloper mode can make your Chromebook less safe.
Avoiding MistakesDeveloper mode could cause accidental problems.
Following RulesBlocking developer mode helps students follow school rules.

Important Note: Even though developer mode is blocked, it doesn’t mean you can’t ever use it. But you should always ask your school’s administrator or your parents first!

While developer mode can give you more control over your Chromebook, it also comes with some risks. That’s why it’s blocked by default. But remember, the most important thing about using your Chromebook is to use it responsibly and to learn as much as you can!


While these are potential methods to bypass administrator blocks on your school Chromebook, remember, these blocks exist for a reason – your safety. **We strongly advise using these techniques responsibly and ethically.