How Do I Stop My Roku From Overheating?

July 7, 2023 0 By tech

To stop your Roku from overheating, first, ensure it’s placed in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight or other heat sources. Unplug the device and let it cool down if it’s already overheated. Regularly clean your Roku to remove dust or debris that may block airflow. If you’re using a Roku stick, consider using an HDMI extender to move it away from the heat of the TV. Power your Roku device using the original wall adapter instead of the USB port on your TV, as the latter might not provide sufficient power. Avoid using third-party power plugs or adapters that might cause overheating. If these steps don’t resolve the issue, you may need to contact Roku support for further assistance.

Causes of Roku Overheating

There are several reasons why your Roku might overheat. The most common causes include:

  • Roku device is stored in a closed environment or with limited airflow: Electronic devices like Roku need good airflow to help dissipate the heat they produce. If your Roku is stored in a closed environment, like inside a cabinet or a drawer, or in a place with limited airflow, the heat can build up and cause the device to overheat. It’s important to place your Roku in an open space where air can circulate freely.
  • Roku device is exposed to direct sunlight: Direct sunlight can significantly increase the temperature of your Roku device. If your Roku is near a window or in a place where it gets a lot of sunlight, it can easily overheat, especially during the hotter months. Try to keep your Roku out of direct sunlight to prevent overheating.
  • Roku device is near heating instruments: If your Roku is near a heating instrument, like a radiator, a heater, or even a hot lamp, it can absorb the heat and overheat. Make sure to keep your Roku away from any sources of heat.
  • Prolonged use of the Roku device: Like a computer, your Roku can get hot if you use it for a long time without giving it a break. If you’re binge-watching your favorite show or having a movie marathon, your Roku might overheat. Try to give your Roku a break every now and then to let it cool down.
  • Roku device is placed on top of or beside another electronic device that is running: Other electronic devices can also produce heat, and if your Roku is placed on top of or beside a running device, it can absorb the heat and overheat. Try to keep your Roku separate from other electronic devices.
  • Roku device is using a faulty HDMI extender: An HDMI extender can help prevent your Roku stick from overheating by moving it away from the heat of the TV. However, if the extender is faulty, it might not work properly and your Roku stick might still overheat. If you suspect that your extender is faulty, try using a different one.

Less common causes might include outdated software or a malfunctioning device. For instance, if you see a “roku tv overheating message” even when the device is in a cool place, it might be due to a software glitch or a hardware problem.

Roku TV Overheating Message

What Happens if Roku Overheating

Symptoms of Roku overheating:

  • Sluggish navigation: When your Roku device overheats, it can start to slow down. This means that it might take longer for the device to respond to your commands. For example, when you press a button on your remote, there might be a delay before the Roku responds. This can make it frustrating to navigate through menus or select options.
  • Buffering of videos: Overheating can also affect the streaming performance of your Roku. You might notice that videos take longer to load or keep pausing for buffering. This can disrupt your viewing experience, especially if you’re watching a movie or a show with a lot of action.
  • Audio lip-sync mismatching: Another symptom of Roku overheating is audio lip-sync mismatching. This means that the audio doesn’t match the video. For example, you might see a character’s lips moving, but the sound comes a second later. This can make it difficult to follow the dialogue and can be particularly annoying if you’re watching a movie or a show with a lot of dialogue.
  • Alert will appear in the top-right corner of the screen that reads, “Your device is overheating”: When your Roku overheats, it will alert you with a warning message. This message will appear in the top-right corner of your screen and will read, “Your device is overheating”. This is a clear sign that your Roku is getting too hot and needs to cool down. If you see this message, you should take immediate action to cool down your device.
  • Rebooting unexpectedly: Overheating can cause your Roku to reboot unexpectedly. This means that your Roku might turn off and then turn back on without you doing anything. This can be particularly frustrating if you’re in the middle of watching something.
  • Roku Freeze: In some cases, overheating can cause your Roku to freeze. This means that the device stops responding to your commands and you can’t navigate through the menus or play videos. If your Roku freezes, you might need to unplug it and plug it back in to get it to work again.
  • Roku TV Red Light Solid: Some Roku devices have a light that turns solid red or an on-screen “roku overheating warning” when the device is overheating. This is another clear sign that your Roku is getting too hot. If you see a solid red light on your Roku, you should take immediate action to cool down your device.

In some cases, you might even see a “roku overheating temp check” message, indicating that the device is checking its temperature because it’s too hot.

Roku Overheating Solutions,Tips, & Preventions

Tips for cooling down Roku:

  1. Disconnect the Roku device and let it cool down: If your Roku is overheating, the simplest solution is to unplug it and give it some time to cool down. This will stop the device from generating more heat and will give it a chance to cool down.
  2. Use a small fan: A small fan can help circulate air around your Roku and cool it down. Just make sure the fan is not blowing dust into your Roku, as this can block the vents and make the overheating problem worse.
  3. Stop Using Third-party Power Plugs/Adapters that can cause overheating: Third-party power plugs or adapters might not be designed to meet the specific power requirements of your Roku device. They might provide too much or too little power, which can cause your device to work harder than it needs to, leading to overheating.
  4. Turn Off the Device Occasionally: If you’re using your Roku for long periods, it’s a good idea to turn it off every now and then to give it a break. This can help prevent overheating.
  5. Clean your Roku device to remove any dust or debris that may be blocking airflow: Dust and debris can block the vents on your Roku and prevent it from cooling down properly. Use a soft, dry cloth or a can of compressed air to clean your Roku.
  6. Move your Roku device to a cooler location with better airflow: If your Roku is in a hot place or a place with poor airflow, moving it to a cooler location can help prevent overheating.
  7. Use a short HDMI extender to move the Roku device away from the back of your TV: The back of your TV can get hot, and if your Roku is too close, it can absorb the heat and overheat. An HDMI extender can help move your Roku away from the TV and prevent overheating.
  8. Use a wall adapter instead of the USB port on your TV to power your Roku device: The USB port on your TV might not provide enough power for your Roku, which can cause it to overheat. Using a wall adapter can provide more stable power and help prevent overheating.
  9. Avoid placing your Roku device in a closed environment or near other electronic devices that are running: Other electronic devices can generate heat, and if your Roku is too close, it can absorb the heat and overheat. Try to keep your Roku in an open space and away from other devices.
  10. If none of these solutions work, you may need to contact Roku support for further assistance: Roku support can help diagnose the problem and provide you with the best solution. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you’re having trouble with your Roku.

Another method, modify hardware (only for experts): Installing Heat Sinks: A heat sink is a device that absorbs and dissipates heat from electronic devices. Applying a heat sink to your Roku can help keep it cool. However, this method requires technical knowledge and should only be done by experts. Modifying the hardware can void your warranty, so proceed with caution.

Other solutions might include cleaning the device regularly to remove dust and switching to another power source if you suspect that the power source is causing the problem. If your Roku Express is overheating or your Roku Premiere is overheating, these solutions should help. However, if your Roku Ultra is overheating, you might need to contact Roku support for help.

Important Note: If you’ve tried these solutions and your Roku is still overheating, it might be a sign of a more serious problem. In this case, it’s best to contact Roku support for help.

How to Check Roku Temperature

To check the temperature of your Roku device, you can access a secret screen.
Pay close attention to the following steps:

  1. Press the home button five times consecutively.
  2. Press the fast-forward button once.
  3. Press the play button once.
  4. Press the rewind button once.
  5. Press the play button once.
  6. Finally, press the fast-forward button one more time.

The temperature will be displayed toward the top of the screen in Celsius. If the temperature is too high, higher than 80°C or 176°F, you should disconnect your streaming device and let it cool down. Once it has cooled down, you can reconnect it again

What Are the Dangers of an Overheating Roku?

Overheating Roku can cause several problems:

  1. It can affect the performance of the device, causing sluggish navigation, buffering of videos, and audio lip-sync mismatching.
  2. It can shorten the lifespan of the device. Electronic devices generate heat when they’re working, and if they get too hot, they can get damaged.
  3. Overheating can cause the device to shut down or stop working altogether
  4. In extreme cases, an overheating Roku can even be a fire hazard.


Roku overheating is a common problem, but it’s usually easy to fix. By understanding the causes and symptoms of Roku overheating and taking steps to cool down your device, you can keep your Roku in good working condition and enjoy your favorite content without interruptions. Remember, if your Roku is still overheating after you’ve tried these solutions, don’t hesitate to contact Roku support for help.

In addition to these solutions, if you’re experiencing issues with apps like Netflix crashing on your Roku TV, you might find this guide on how to fix Netflix keeps crashing on Roku TV helpful.


Why is my Roku stick overheating even with an extender?

our Roku stick might be overheating even with an extender if the extender is not working properly or if the device is not getting enough airflow. Try repositioning the device or using a different extender. Make sure you use high-quality extender.

What should I do if my Roku Express is overheating?

If your Roku Express is overheating, try unplugging the device and letting it cool down, moving it to a cooler location, or cleaning the device to remove dust. If these solutions don’t help, contact Roku support.

How can I prevent my Roku from overheating?

To prevent your Roku from overheating, avoid placing it near a heat source or in direct sunlight, give it a break if you’ve been using it for a long time, and clean it regularly to remove dust.

Should I Reset My Roku When Overheating?

Resetting your Roku can sometimes help resolve issues, but it should not be the first step you take when your device is overheating. Resetting the device will restore it to its factory settings, which means you’ll lose all your personal settings and downloaded apps.

Does 4k Make Roku Overheating?

streaming high-quality 4K content can make your Roku device overheat. However, it’s important to note that 4K content alone may not be the only cause of overheating.

Why is my Roku TV flickering and freezing?

It’s possible that your Roku TV is flickering and freezing due to overheating, but there could be other reasons as well.

Is it normal for my Roku device to be warm?

Yes, it’s normal for Roku devices to be warm during operation, but they should not be uncomfortably hot to the touch. If your device gets very hot, it’s likely overheating.

What should I do if my Roku device continues to overheat after following these steps?

If your Roku device is still overheating, it might be a hardware issue. In such cases, you should contact Roku’s customer support for further assistance.